The Key City Foundation will provide our youth (elementary to high school) with an opportunity to play competitive level sports for FREE in exchange for community service, leadership development, and character development.

Our team is dedicated to this mission, working diligently to raise money through donations, fundraising events, grants, charity races, adult leagues, and much more!

The money we raise will go towards Foundation Athletes' equipment, travel expenses, tournament fees, apparel, coaching stipends, insurance, facility/field rentals, referees, training programs, and much more.


"Bridging the opportunity and cultural gap in youth sports."

We believe every kid should have the opportunity to get involved in sports, regardless of your economic background, race, gender, religion, etc. We see our foundation as the future of youth sports and giving. Currently, there are many sports that are predominantly one ethnic/economic background.

We want to give ALL kids the opportunity to play competitively to find a means get to college, play professionally, learn team building skills, leadership skills, life skills, and many other benefits that come from participating in sports. Many potential star athletes and future leaders are lost due to a lack of family finances, or fear of cultural stigmas/biases within many different sports.

So what does the future look like for us?

  • Foundation Athletes are exposed to a multitude of sports and cultures, removing single sport specialization between the ages of 6-12. As athletes progress through our organization, they can start to specialize in sports towards late middle to high-school.
  • Foundation Athletes are taught a myriad of lessons through community service events, leadership training, annual camps, charisma training, life lessons training, and of course multi-discipline athletics.
  • State of the Art facilities to host camps, tournaments, events, strength training and conditioning, and much more!
  • Internship opportunities for college students offering a diverse, challenging working experience prior to graduation.
  • Charity races where participants can run for both our cause and a cause of their choosing, where we donate 20% of the proceeds.
  • Job opportunities for professionals interested in making our mission their career Jobs will include; IT, HR, event management/planning, business relations, financial/accounting, sports performance coaching (physical therapy, strength conditioning, nutrition, etc.), sports commissioners, marketing, and much more!
  • Employees will receive phenomenal benefits and training packages that will help them be the best at their jobs.
  • Volunteer opportunities for those looking to give back and get involved outside of their normal, day to day routine.
  • A constantly growing list of business partners.

And most importantly... a massive list of alumni/ambassadors that came through our foundation, who are now some of the biggest contributors to society.

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